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Charging Guide

Charging Equipment

Every EV comes with a charging adapter that connects to a standard home outlet (also known as Level 1 charging). This is typically used overnight while you sleep and adds up to 50 miles of range in 12 hours, more than most people drive on a typical day. For some drivers, this may be adequate, especially if the vehicle is not driven much daily or is a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).

Though not required, in order to get the most out of any plug-in car’s electric mileage benefits, it is typically recommended to purchase a Level 2 home charging station.  This will recharge your EV two to six times faster than Level 1, and allow even ones with large batteries to always fully charge overnight.

The best time to get a Level 2 is just before receiving taking delivery of your vehicle, so the equipment can be already installed and ready for charging the moment you receive your electric car.

To view and shop for home charging stations, visit the PlugStar website:​

Find a Certified Charging Equipment Installer with QMerit.

Energy New England

  • 5 Hampshire St., Suite 100
    Mansfield, MA 02048
  • 508-698-1200
  • 508-698-0222
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